Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Who has time to blog??

Seriously, I want to know.  Who has time to blog?  How does everyone find time?  That is all for now, I have to go to bed, so I can get up at 4am to go run, and make it to work by 7:00.  Goodnight!


  1. I have some time but only because I do it at work. Whoops!

  2. None of us do. Sometimes I'll do the writing at random spots through the day (over lunch, while on a conference call, etc.) and then add the photos that night. 3 to 4 day gaps between my posts are common though I'm trying to be better. Oops, time for me to write another post!

  3. At work!!! How has time to do it anywhere else

  4. on this very day.......
    I could not agree more.

  5. Yeah I am bad, I blog and read blogs at work sometimes. Or at night. Or early in the morning. Sometimes I just don't find the time or have the energy. Also I will piece a blog together over a few days. Put up a picture. Write a little something. I have no idea how people blog everyday and keep up with everyone's blogs!

  6. Same here. If I couldn't blog at work, it wouldn't get done either.

  7. I am so glad it isn't just me. I am too new at work right to feel comfortable doing that!
